I’ve seen more than one place on the internet where they claim that smoking banana peels to get a buzz is a bogus urban myth. Whenever I see claims like this, I have to laugh, as I have been enjoying smoking banana peels for years. The kick is phenomenal, and it makes you feel as though you can take on anything.
The first step to experience the bliss that comes from smoking banana peels is selecting the proper banana. It should be ripe so that no green is visible while at the same time not being so ripe as to have brown spots. Peel the banana so that the white, sausage-shaped fruit is removed. You can either eat the fruit or discard it. Next, take a fork and scrape the white insides of the peel so that you are left with the leathery skin. Leave the skin out overnight on a plate with the inner skin facing up. The next day, the skin should be brown and leathery. Using a fork, score the inside of the skin so that there are deep groves. Lightly coat the inside skin with a layer of salt and a healthy dusting of PCP. Then chop it up, put it in your pipe and smoke it. If you start to think that you are the antichrist, discontinue use immediately.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.