If I were to write a review of the last Interpol album Our Love to Admire (2007) for pitchfork.com, it would say something along the lines of, “Remember Interpol? They had that kick ass album Turn on the Bright Lights. It spawned a bunch of imitators, bands like The Editors and She Wants Revenge. Here’s the latest Interpol imitators – Interpol, with their album Our Love to Admire. And they’re not very good. I miss the real Interpol.”
Yesterday, I went trolling through the bowels and secret trading posts of the internet looking for music leaked before its official release date. This was a fruitful mission, as I discovered the new Arcade Fire album. (It’s good.) I also went looking for Interpol’s new self-titled album. Although I haven’t really liked an Interpol album since their first album from 2002, according to the band, the new album sounds like the first. I was cautiously optimistic.
So I was excited when I found it on a torrent. The first listen did not disappoint. No songs about doing too much coke or how great groupie head is. Instead, the album reflects Interpol getting back to what they do best – moody, minor chord rock.
Something was off though. For starters, none of the song titles are ever referenced in the songs. Also, I’d already heard the song “Lights,” and it wasn’t on the album. I was suspicious, so I used the Shazzam app on my phone to try to identify the song. Wouldn’t you know it, that’s not Interpol. It’s a Portuguese band named Uni_Form, with their album Mirrors.
So kudos to Uni_Form. Not only did they make a really good album, but they also found a novel way to use the internet to market it – by disguising it as Interpol to internet pirates.
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