Monday, September 6, 2010

Found in My Spam Folder VII

Hi, I’m Alex Winter. You may remember me from such films as Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure and Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey. Actually, that’s about it. Although I made good money off of those films 20 years ago, that money is long gone to skeevy ex-wives and thieving former business managers. Sure, sometimes people buy my movies on DVD and they sometimes play a Bill and Ted movie on late-night cable, but the royalty checks don’t pay my rent, let alone all the accoutrements needed to keep a washed-up Hollywood star happy.

The last decade was a period of optimism for me. TV was full of the formerly famous being “themselves” on reality TV. I was especially enamored with the shows featuring Anna Nicole Smith, The Osbournes, and Paula Abdul, because I can do what they did. I like drugs. I can do a bunch of drugs, stumble around, slur my words, and have a camera crew follow me as I go to the convenience store or the bar. I tried pitching this idea to several producers to no avail.

Then I came up with a better idea. Screw reality TV. What if you could have actual reality? For $500 and some drugs, I will come to your party or gathering. There you can see me in person slurring my words and stumbling about. Plus, rather than just laughing at a TV screen, you can actively humiliate me. Make me say, “excellent,” or “bogus,” or “69 dude!” and ask me questions about Keanu Reeves. When I’m fucked up, I really don’t care.

Look, prostitutes won’t give you freebees, even if you are famous. Help a guy out. Host your own reality TV show featuring Alex Winter.

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