World War II was a major war, unlike Lysol’s war on dirt, which is a minor war. In World War II, America and England were friends, or “allies.” Apparently, America was no longer mad about the Revolutionary War or the War of 1812. (I never understood the War of 1812. Couldn’t both America and England just agree that the year was 1812? What did people expect would come after 1811? It seems a shame so many people had to die because no one could count.)
In World War II, the Germans were the bad guys. You could tell that they were the bad guys because they used swastikas. These days, if you draw a swastika, the teacher will send you directly to the principal. The Germans put swastikas on everything. That’s just how bad the Germans were.
Another ally of the Americans was the Russians. Many German soldiers died when they tried to invade Russia in the winter. Apparently, it was so cold that the Germans froze to death. I think that in order to win the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we should get a bunch of freezers and freeze the terrorists to death.
In World War II, America used a nuclear bomb for the first time. To make the bomb blow up, they needed to split tiny atoms in two. This required a small but really sharp razor blade. The result of “the bomb” blowing up was mushrooms, clouds, and half-sized atoms. Also, a lot of people died.
In conclusion, World War II was a major war where millions of people were killed. I hope that the threat of a bunch of freezers will prevent another world war from happening.
Nice one, Will.