Saturday, April 3, 2010

An Idea for Mythbusters

Dear Producers of Mythbusters,

I am the biggest fan of your show and have seen every episode. You seem to have the ability to find the facts about nearly everything. Last year, I had an MRI to investigate some back problems I was having. I could have been afraid that the procedure would cause my tattoo to explode, but after watching your show I learned that the strong magnets used in an MRI have no affect on tattoo ink.

I know that the internet is filled with all sorts of nonsense, but I came across this image loop (animated gif if we’re getting technical), and I thought you would be able to tell us viewers if it is real or not. You Mythbusters could probably start small scale and see if you can recreate the image on each other. Failing to do that, you can enlist the help of some expert (probably a martial arts expert). If that still doesn’t work, you can build some sort of robot to try to match the image. I’m sure the visuals would make for good TV, and small bits of smashed material would look cool on high-speed camera. If one or more of the cast happens to die in the experiments, then you can hire me to be your newest Mythbuster, and the show won’t miss a beat.

I have included the loop at the bottom of this email.

I look forward to the episode where you explore this myth. Keep up the good work.

Your biggest fan,

Arnold Davies

Animated Profile Graphics and Comments

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