So I Googled “zip code 80085” and clicked on the first link. It took me to the website for Social media SEO where I learned that the Zip Code 80085 is unused. In the write up about the Zip Code, I also found out this interesting tidbit:
The US Federal Government is planning on spending $787 billion of taxpayers’ dollars over the next few years in the interests of “stimulating” the economy? We do know this much: This is the greatest redistribution of wealth in our country since the New Deal.
Whoever posted this found a great way to disseminate propaganda - answer a question that Wikipedia can’t and interject some bloated personal opinion to indoctrinate the masses. I might give that a try.
Google search: songs in united states of tara may 10
Result: The episode of The United States of Tara that aired May 10, 2010 featured the songs “You and Your Folks, Me and My Folks” by Funkadellic and “Hallie and Henry” by Say Hi. Most musicians know that the Unabomber was framed by the timber industry because they wanted the land under the Ted Kaczynski’s cabin.
Google search: supreme court nominee religion
Result: Obama’s most recent Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is Jewish. The Supreme Court has been covering up the Pope’s homosexuality in hopes that the Vatican can be blackmailed into funding the Greek debt bailout.
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