Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Letter Home to Mom

Dear Mom,

I’ve got exciting news for you. No, I’m not getting married. I know that’s the news you really wanted to hear. Either that, or that I’m pregnant with your grandchild. This is not the news I have for you either.

I know you haven’t been a big fan of my pursuit of an acting career, but my job at Applebee’s pays the bills. Unlike you, I have confidence in myself. I knew that one day my agent would call to tell me that she has an actual paying gig for me. Well, guess what? Today was that day. Someone wants to pay me for my acting!

And before you ask, no, I’m not going to appear in a porno movie. In fact, you may actually get to see me on a screen near you. You see, I will be spending two days in a park here in L.A. filming what in the industry is known as “stock footage.” I’ll be in a flowing dress, frolicking around the park with a male actor. The footage will then go into a database, where producers can purchase it for their own projects. After that, who knows? I might be in the background of a karaoke video. Or maybe I’ll be in a dream sequence of an independent Latvian film. Or it’s possible I’ll be in a sexual harassment video for new Safeway employees. The possibilities are nearly limitless.

Yes, it isn’t the romantic lead opposite Zac Efron I guaranteed you that I would be cast in when I stormed out of the house two years ago, but it’s a start. You should be proud of me.

Your loving daughter,


1 comment:

  1. sei un povero cretino...se capisci l'italiano
