If you’re a conservative with a conscious, the news is filled with cringe-worthy story after story. First, voters in California voted to ban gay marriage, but some activist judge decided their opinions don’t matter. (Of course, it later turns out that the judge in the case, one Vaughn Walker, (how do I put this delicately) prefers fudge to tuna. Then there’s the mosque that their putting next to Ground Zero, much like an invading horde places its flag in the soil of conquered lands. It also has come out that as part of the government stimulus (all of which was added to the debt), we are buying cocaine for monkeys.
Sure I’m upset by these events, but this one takes the cake. I even imagine liberals, with their “everything’s ok with me” philosophy might be pissed about this. Are you sitting down? Ok good.
They’re making a movie called Captain America: The First Avenger. This makes sense; superhero movies are make money, and it’s good to see them take a more patriotic approach to superhero movies. However, news has come out today that Marvel Studios is going to film the movie in Great Britain. Yes, you read that correctly. Captain America, a movie about the most American of superheroes, is going to be filmed in jolly ol’ England!
In his justification for supporting Elana Kagan’s Supreme Court nomination, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said, “elections matter.” Know what matters more? Wars. We fought one 234 years ago so that we wouldn’t have to live under the tyranny of a monarchy. These brave men didn’t die so that we could feature our greatest supernatural icon having afternoon tea and eating bangers and mash.
Call your senator. Boycott Marvel. Hell, scream it out the window. Don’t let this injustice continue!
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