Watch Louie Gohmert, Republican Congressman from Texas, on Anderson Cooper. Frankly, if you only watch the first couple of minutes of it, you’ll get the joke. It isn’t so much an interview as it is an extended Gohmert monologue with Cooper attempting to intervene to ask questions that never get answered.
Let’s take a look at Gohmert’s argument. He is essentially saying that terrorists are using a clause in the 14th Amendment to have babies in the US with the intention that the baby will grow up to wreak destruction in the US.
Gohmert says multiple times that the terrorists aren’t stupid. If this is correct, they’ve probably done the following analysis.
Process to make a terrorist baby:
Timeline – 15-20 years
1. Fly loyalists to US. Make sure female is pregnant.
2. Have women give birth on US soil.
3. Have parents apply for US citizenship for child (and do so without disclosing terrorist connections of parents).
4. Wait 15-20 years.
5. Jihadist revolution against Western infidels!
Examples of this working – none (but wait a few years and we may see some).
Alternate process for creating US citizen terrorists:
Timeline - immediate
1. Propagate pro-Jihadist materials on the internet for recruitment worldwide.
2. Hope that some small fraction of US citizens find this compelling and decide to join up.
3. Jihadist revolution against Western infidels!
Examples of this working – Jose Padilla (“Dirty Bomber”) and Colleen LaRose (“Jihad Jane”) among others
I’m not sure that Gohmert actually believes his own rhetoric. I am convinced that Gohmert thinks this kind of demagoguery is necessary to get more Republicans elected to federal office. On this last point, I fear Gohmert is right.
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