Friday, August 27, 2010


Regular readers of this blog know that I impose a strict 300-word limit on blog postings. People using the internet generally have short attention spans, so a 300-word limit is short enough to keep readers focused. I also like the idea of trying to get a message across despite imposed brevity. Plus, keeping the blog short gives me time to do other things I enjoy (smoking pot, masturbating to porn, and getting angry at the idiotic things politicians do, among other things).

Modern technology encourages concision. I sometimes struggle with my 300-word straightjacket, but some bloggers do this with limits of 200 or even 100 words. Users of Twitter have it even worse; they have to somehow convey meaning using only 140 characters. I’m envious of their skill.

Having said that, I refuse to be outwitted by the Ashton Kutchers, Sarah Palins, and Chad Ochocincos of the world. If they can convey messages 140 characters at a time, I can do even better. So here is my attempt at the shortest posting possible. (Actually, it’s a sub-post, but let’s not haggle over details.)


Unsophisticated readers will see this as a simple letter, but to the more imaginative, this post has more possible conclusions than the movie Inception. Is it a reference to a good grade? The preface to something unspecific? Homage to the Fonz? A reaction to getting your foot stepped on? A parent trying to stifle an overly-talkative child? The first name of the author of Winnie the Pooh? A reference to a beginning? The possibilities are nearly limitless.

Take that Twitter!

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