Friday, October 15, 2010

Michelle Obama Admits President to Seek Reparations for Slavery*

I read that there were subtle differences between the Eastern and Pacific broadcast of the live 30 Rock episode from last night, so I downloaded off of a torrent what I thought was the Eastern broadcast. What I ended up downloading was far more noteworthy. It’s the videotape of one of a Jesse Jackson-sponsored Rainbow/PUSH Coalition events from 2007 (or at least that’s what a banner in the back says). The event appears to be over or in a recess, as there is no one on stage, but you can clearly see and hear Michelle Obama having a conversation with someone off camera. The other person is inaudible, but Michelle’s words are usually clear.

In the tape, Michelle admits that her husband’s political ambitions are mainly an attempt to get reparations for African Americans! She says that Barack Obama will run for President in 2008. Once in office, he will raise taxes on the wealthy to give black Americans reparations for slavery, he will push for universal health care for African Americans, and he plans on pardoning most African Americans currently in prison before leaving office.

I’ve watched the tape several times and it appears to be real. You can clearly see Michelle’s lips movement matching her words. I’ve enlarged the video, and it shows no signs of being doctored. If anyone else wants to see the video, email me at, and I will send you a copy.

*Thanks for all of your suggestions on how I can become famous. I’ve settled on duping the conservative media. This approach is easy (just pick a conservative boogeyman and allege that said boogeyman is doing what they suspect he/she/it would do), and it has happened many times (like here, here, here, and here for example).

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