Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Found in My Spam Folder VIII

It can be the difference between getting a job and being unemployed. You’re potential mate may decide that your not the won. Friend’s may openly mock you behind you’re back.

People take four granted the importance of proper use of: spelling punctuation and grammar. Its not taught in schools like it used too bee. Educator’s just assume that MS Word will fix all the errors. We’ll, MS Words spelling and grammar check is imperfect. Those errors can effect your ability two succeed in life.

At Timony Industries, we no the importance of how you present your self to the world, and that: spelling grammar and punctuation play a big part in it. Thats why we’ve introduced are new Ret service. Ret stands for Retired English Teacher. Simply email you’re correspondence to are Ret service first, and four a small fee won of are experienced professionals will correct the error’s. Have problem with making sure that subject and verbs agree? Your Ret expert will fix it. Don’t know when using accept or except is exceptable? Their’s a retired english teacher they’re two assist you. Their even they’re to help you if you don’t know when to use: their they’re or there.

Timony Industries new Ret program is the crutch you need too make you’re message stand out, and not bee bogged down by improper: spelling grammar and punctuation. When you were in school you’re english teacher was always their to help you out. Why not still use there wisdom.

The Ret program starts next month. I four won can’t wait two use it.

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